Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring time

After a few miserable grey days it seems like the sun is finding its way trough the clouds:) I like the first days of spring, when you can smell spring, you all know what spring smells like, that moist, sunny ,dirt smell:)

Days passes by too quickly, is it so that the older you get the days get shorter...a nice thing though is that the days are getting much lighter. Not so much has happened since I last wrote, we are living quite a day to day life without any big happenings.

On saturday we had friends over and Nico made sushi, food tasting delicious and company sparkling= all the ingredients for a great evening.

Liina& Viivi have entered the puppetshow stage, so on sunday we where sitting on Liinas bed wacthing puppetshows...and of course me and Nico also had to take part with our impressive acting talents:) least the girls laughed:)

And yesterday I bought the girls yellow nailpolish, as the other night Liina decided she was going to paint her toenails, she found a bright pink colour( not mine, Liinas) in the bathroom, took it to her room, and painted besides her toenails half her yesterday I then painted their nails nice and yellow, as they are not allowed to even try themselves until they are 10....or maybe 7:).

Liina is very interested in letters, she writes all kind of letters on paper and brings it to me to read, and I have to read the strangest long words that are hard to pronounce...her name she writes fine already.

Another stage the girls have entered is using all blankets they can find to build their own hides, whatever Liinas does , Viivi does also. So last week Liina built a hide in the livingroom, and ever morning when she woke up she crawled in there and slept a bit more, same in the evenings:) But as we cant have a permanent hide in the livingroom, I helped her build one in her room. is time to start planning that soon also, I think this summer we will spend just in Finland, rent a huosemobile and drive around, maybe to eastern Finland....?And maybe a visit to summer Stockholm:)

Tours are slow at this time of the years, as it is winter in South Africa soon, but Im busy planning for next season. When we have summer in Finland, it is winter in South Africa, and as we know, not many people want to travel away from our summers, even if the best time for safaris is during the dry, crisp winter months.Many people ask about the weather in South Africa, and it varies much, Cape Town has hot, windy summers, not much rain, but then again rainy winters, and the northern part has summer rains but no rain in the winter.

That is all for today, let the spring begin!

Love, Jannika

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