The weekend is almost over. We had a good weekend, on saturday morning we went to the gym wih Nico, after a very long break we decided it is time to start with a new commitment! And my legs felt like bursting after only 15min running...That is a sign it really is time to do something! A healty mind in a healthy body, I do believe in that! And then we went for an afternoon visit to Peter& Nicci, made homemade pizzas in their pizzaoven, great pizzas! Thanks for a lovely afternoon. On the way home we drove up Signal Hill to see the sunset, but it was so crowded there, difficult to get space for the car, we will do a new try another evening:) My mom was anyway afraid we where gonna drive off the road, as it is quite high...and I think she is a bit afraid of high places, as today when we drove Chapmans Peak she said she would never drive herself there and looked down the side with huge eyes :)
Today we had a morning picnic with the penguines at Boulders Beach, not that we made it there very early....only 10am, and it was already very crowded. We walked a bit further from the crowded beach, in between the boulders, with coolerbox and many bags, and Nico managed to slip on the rocks, with the coolerbox and bags, so our picnic was floating around in the waves, luckily he didnt hurt himself too bad, he does have an aching back and scratches here and there,but he will survive, with some painkillers:) And our picnic food got some extra flavour, sand and salt!A funny comment from a bypasser as a beer was floating around in the water: 'South Africa is a wonderful place':) when he saw a beer floating around infront of him.
Here follows a few pictures from our day with the penguines:

This is not from the beach:) It is one of the lions at Honeyguide.

One of the 2000 penguines at Boulders Beach

It was fun watching the penguines playing and swimming in the water

A mixture of children and penguines on the beach

Viivi up to something:)

Me and some penguines

Three generations, Liina, me & my mom.
Have an enjoyable and relaxed weekend.
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