Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jannika on tour...

Sorry I havent had time to write lately, and now Im on my way again on safari with the group( in 15 min). Everything is going fine, I have a wonderful group once again, the sun is shining, it is +40, everyone is melting, we saw some herds of elephants crossing the road on our way to Satara Camp today in Kruger Park, this morning we saw hyena,rhinos, elephant, crocs....and many antilopes, lets see what we find tonight:)
Tomorrow is christmas and I spend it without my family:( , but we make up for it on the 26th when Im home again. I will be at Honeyguide tented camp with my group, safari safari safari the whole christmas.
Just wanted to wish you all a Wonderful Christmas, where ever in the world you are:)
Time to go.....( and off I run:)



1 comment:

  1. HEJSAN!

    Här har vi ca 60* kallare så en riktig vinter men inte så mycket snö.Må bra i värmen!
    Ha en skön å varm julhelg.

    julkramar mamma
