Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A nice meal in the winter!

Hello everyone !

The travel fair was a great success and it is so nice seeing so much interest for South Africa and souther africa. Many people who have recently been there came to tell about their wonderful experiences and I got many new clients to plan tours for, so it looks like a busy year ahead, I like:)

Besides working during the days, I try to take time to catch up on many other things I havent had time for lately, like going to gym, sorting out the clothes in the house, cleaning a bit every day and meeting my friends and spending time with my family. I have got back my interest in making food again, as after the girls came to this world I lost the interest for a while because I was cooking potatoes and carrots and other veggies for over a year so I got kind of tired of it, but now it is time to explore the good food world again, so I start by sharing a good traditional Bobotie recipe I found, and it is perfect for the cold winter days we have here in Finland, easy to make and enjoy with a glas of south african redwine.

  • 500g mince – use beef, mix lamb/ beef or even ostrich if you wish
  • 30ml sunflower oil
  • 1 large carrot – peeled and grated
  • 2 onions – chopped
  • 10 ml chopped garlic
  • 5 ml each of ground coriander, ground ginger, curry powder, cinnamon, turmeric, sugar / apricot jam, salt
  • 15ml white vinegar
  • thick slice of white bread soaked in milk
  • 125ml almond slithers or flaked almonds
  • 3 – 4 bay leaves
  • 250ml milk
  • 2 eggs
  • seasoning to taste
Fry the onion and garlic in the oil and add the mince. Cook this until the mince is nice and crumbly – not big lumps (use a wooden spoon or a fork to separate bits). Add all the spices and the carrot. Add the lemon juice and mix in.
Add the soaked white bread, making sure to mix it in properly (you shouldn’t be able to see big chunks of bread). Add the almonds and mix through.
Lightly whisk together the milk or buttermilk and eggs. Spoon the mix into a medium sized oven dish and level it with the back of a spoon. Pour the milk and egg mixture over this and poke the bay leaves in the mince for decoration.
Bake at 180 – 190 for about 40 minutes. The egg custard should be firm and set and a golden brown colour.
Serve the bobotie with yellow rice and raisins, sliced banana, chutney and coconut.
Love Jannika 


  1. hei Jannika, ihanaa kuulla, että messupäivät olivat sinulle antoisat. Vaikka kuinka ennakkoon lupasin tulla sinua moikkaamaan, en sitten päässytkään. Siitä huolimatta seuraan jokaista uutta postaustasi tänne blogin puolelle (minulla ei ole facebook-tunnusta) ja odotan sitä vuotta, kun voimme perheenä tulla uudelleen asiakkaaksesi! Cape Town on maailman kultturipääkaupunki 2014, tietää varmasti aktiivista vuotta sinulle. Hyvää alkanutta vuotta. terv Riitta & Jarmo

  2. Kiitos Ihana Riitta! On aina niin mukavaa lukea sinun kommentit. Toivoin että olisin nähnyt teidät messuilla, mutta ensi vuonna kokeillaan uudestaan ,ei kaikkea voi ehtiä:) Ihmisiä oli tosi paljon ja kertoa sain paljon etelä-afrikasta, on kivaa kertoa kun huomaa että ihmisiä todella kiinnostaa. Nyt seison omilla jaloillani ja hyvältä näyttää tämä vuosi, paljon suunniteltavaa edessä. Hyvää alkanutta vuotta teille myös! Jannika
