We all have dreams, goals in life, and that keeps us moving forward. Sometimes we get the opportunity to fulfill our dreams or it brings us on a new track in life: ` The poorest man on earth is not a man without money, but a man without dreams´. So lets keep on dreaming:)
My dream is....to one day have a guesthouse in South Africa,in the winelands,Franschhoek, and this is how it would be:
My guesthouse would be a world of small details,personal, stylish ,simple, a touch of africa, traditional elements mixed with modern design and earthy colours. These pictures visualize my idea better, but keep in mind that the setting is the winelands, even if there is some inspirations from the bush:) And try to grap the atmosphere the pictures deliver,as for me, it is the feeling that a space creates that is of importance. When I look at the pictures below there is some details in the picture that is of interest for me.

On this picture it is the way the table is set, with white porseline, cushions in the sofa, the plants..
And the view from the garden/deck has to be inviting..
Bedroom, simple and earthy colours, small details, white linen..
This is just to bring some colour elements in , cushions in the sofa, big pots of different shapes, relaxing chairs..add some blankets for chilly evenings
Big pots by the entrance and it has to be inviting
Sunbeds along the poolside and towels laid out nicely for guest to use
Space where to relax, earthy and comfortable
Inside open space where to relax, read a book from our library, socialize
Earthy colours....
That just gives an idea what my guest house would look like.
Then the service, from the moment guest contacts the guest house and decides to come and stay , they will be looked after, and when they arrive, every detail will be in place, I will know what drinks they prefer, what food they like, allergies, activities they want to do,and when they come they will be warmly welcomed with a welcoming drink, and given their space to relax.
Myself I would go on wine courses and food courses to be able to prepare dinners and also to suggest wines as we would have a good selection of wines( and other drinks), if guest prefers to stay in one night and not go to a close by dinner, we would prepare dinner. I know myself that sometimes I do prefer to eat at the guest house where I stay, I might be tired or I travel alone and do not feel like going to a restaurant by myself, then it is ideal to just sit by the pool at the guest house and enjoy a dinner. We would offer small snacks/fruit/cake in late afternoon,with coffe and tea, as many guest do come back from daily excursions at that time. And breakfast, as I have worked in a hotel when I was younger, I know how to prepare a breakfast for 20 people:) It would be fresh bread with ham and cheese, eggs, tomato and cucumber, yougurt, cereal, lots of fresh fruit, cake and coffe/tea, fresh juice...and to order bacon, mushrooms etc...all included of course.
Sometimes we would have evenings when a musician would come and play softly by the pool , for guest to be able to enjoy a few glasses of wine and just enjoy the moment.
We would also offer massage for guest,as some guest come to play golf and also, it is part of enjoying and relaxing after long travelling. Some early morning I would arrange yoga in the garden, for the guest to join in, as this would not disturb the rest of the late sleeping guests.
That is a few thoughts about having a guest house. I know it is a lot of work ,hard work , besides looking after the guest:) but when you enjoy what you are doing, not even hard work feels like work, your heart is in it, you don´t count the hours.
Now it is only a question of finding someone to invest in my idea, and usually when I do want something really bad, I solve the problem... so if you know somebody having a few millions ( €) and not knowing what to do with it, please let me know, as I do know:)
Love to you all,
hei Jannika, olen seurannut blogiasi Etelä-Afrikan matkastamme lähtien. Olet paras matkanjärjestäjä koko maailmassa ja meidän matkamme autonkuljettajat saavat minun ja mieheni edelleen hymyilemään! En ole jättänyt sinulle kommenttia aikaisemmin, mutta nyt sen päätin tehdä. Ihana unelma sinulla ja itsesi lailla uskon sen myös toteutuvan joskus kun aika on sille kypsä. Minulla ei ole noita miljoonia, joita kaipailet, mutta minulla saattaisi olla jotain pienen pientä, jolla ehkä saat loihdittua lisävivahteita noihin tunnelmiin ja värisävyihin kuvissasi. Tai siis ei minulla juuri nyt ole mitään konkreettista, mutta ei ole sinullakaan juuri nyt tuota taloa. Tutustu rakkaudella omin käsin tekemiini tuottesiin ja pidä minut mielessäsi siinä vaiheessa, kun sisustus astuu kuvioihin - sillä se astuu, ennemmin tai myöhemmin :-)
Riitta ( & Jarmo) & sydämelliset terveiset miehellesi ja tyttärillesi ja kiitos vielä kerran ihanasta matkasta Etelä-Afrikassa 2010/2011
Hei Riitta,
ReplyDeleteVoi kiitos paljon ihanista sanoistasi, lämmittää kuulla:) Ja ihanaa että matka tuo teille vielä hymyn huulille! Sinusta jäi mieleen ihana naurusi ja pirteä luonne:) Jospa sitten jonain päivänä tulette kylään kun meillä on se ihanan guesthouse. Olen itse myös käynyt katsomassa mitä ihanuuksia sinä käsilläsi valmistat ja kyllä sopisi hienosti mukaan,pidän sinua mielessä sitten kun unelmani toteutuu. Jarmolle lämpimät terveiset.
Lämpimin Terveisin Jannika
hei Jannika,
ReplyDeleteoletko jo löytänyt tämän blogin, jossa paljon ihania kuvia mm Etelä-Afrikkalaisista kauniista kodeista:
terkuin Riitta