We are back again from our wonderful, relaxing holiday. I was afraid we where going to have a rainy vacation but luckily the rain was always one step ahead of us:) so instead we got fresh and sunny summerweather everywhere we went.

We came home last night, amazingly well rested, the last night we stayed in Helsinki, and had a hotel room with our own sauna:) Was actually nice after being busy the whole day, to get back to the room and put on the sauna, and order some food up to the room, a great way to spend the last night:) That same day we visited Lotte& Johan who have built a new house in Nuuksio, 30min outside Helsinki, lovely place.
During our trip when we where in Linköping, Sweden, friday afternoon, we heard about the devastating happenings in Oslo, Norway and one is just speechless to the terrible actions done by one man, my thoughts goes out to all the families that have lost a child, to the people that have lost a friend, it is just too cruel to be true, so many life with still a long future ahead just wiped away, its impossible to understand and one just wonder why why why?
Take care of yourself and enjoy every moment of your life!