After a few hours of rest, it was again time to go for a game drive in Chobe, we drove next to Chobe River and saw buffalo, hippos and lions, just next to the road in the sand, it was 2 female lions and 1 beautiful male lion.

The next day, the last full day of the tour, we went to Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls are the biggest waterfalls in the world, 1,700meter wide and 70-108m deep,with 5 falls on the Zimbabwean side and 1 fall on the Zambian side. At the moment it is the low season,waterlevel very low, makes it easy to see the falls, as in the high season the water levels are very high and the waterspray from the falls makes a fogg over the falls, very difficult to see them, and lots of rain dripping on you. Because of the spray from the falls there is a permanent rainforest by the falls.
The first white person to discover the Falls was David Livingstone, in year 1855, and he named the Falls after his queen Victoria.
While we where at the falls it was very hot,over 40c. We visited a curio market after the falls and managed to bargain ourselves a few wooden baskets:)Some guests decided to go on a helicopter ride over Vic Falls, and they did enjoy it.
In the evening we did a sunset cruise on the zambezi river and it felt like a hot summer night in Finland in the middle of summer, you know those calm evenings, no wind, sun still in the distance giving a magical feeling. It was a great end to the day and to the tour.

The tour was coming to an end.It was time to say goodbyes at the airport. I do think the trip has been an experience for all,and the group really looked after itself. It was a joy for us to show this part of the world to our fellow finnish people.
Now we are looking ahead, relaxing a few days before we start our journey down to Cape town.
Sunny greeting from Johannesburg. Take care!
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