This is what I wrote during the tour.....
We have been on a go now for 1 week, and I decided I have to write down a few things before I forget. At the moment Im lying in a tent in the middle of Savute in Chobe, part of the Okavango Delta, it is 10pm, dark since 7pm, and a few guests are still sitting by the fire.There is no fences here,no electricity and a lot of elephants around:)
I better start from from the beginning, we picked up the guests last sunday,a week ago, from Johannesburg airport. We had a long drive the first day, to Mapungubwe National park, we drove about 600km,we arrived around 6pm, it was starting to get dark so we where a bit in a hurry to get all the luggages sorted out before darkness, then it is not so easy to run from bungalow to bungalow with bags, as they where quite spread out. Our driver/guide Andy started preparing lasagne and at 8pm we had a nice dinner outside.
On our way to Mapungubwe we saw many Baobab trees, some even 4000years old.After a long flight, long bus tour, a flat tire, food and a glas of wine, guest where tired but happy.
Andy prepared all food and he did an exellent job.
The following day we visited the Mapungubwe Hill, the first southern african Kingdom, from year 1075-1200, only found in the 1930´s.It is today a world heritage site since 2003.

It was an interesting visit in hot,sunny weather. Luckily we had a pool at the camp where to cool off. In the evening Nico&Andy made a proper braai with lots of meat, was appreciated by all:) and we saw our first scorpion.
Next day it was again time to pack the bags and travel 600km, into Botswana, border post went well, but it was a long drive with many slow downs because of donkeys and cows on the road, the animals are free roaming, there is no fences, so they like to be next to the road and eat the fresh grass, as the water runs down from the road top the sides, there is always fresh grass on the sides.
We only arrived at Nata lodge after 19h30, dark, again finding our rooms in the dark, but everything went well, thanks to the group, that was patient even if very tired, already 1200km behind in 3 days...and a lot more to come:)

In Nata we visited early the following morning the Makgadigadi Pans, an ancient lake that nowdays fills partly with water in the rainyseason. Many herds of zebras and antilopes arrive in the ariny season, so also millions of Falmingoes arrive in March, in the middle of the rainy season.

After that we drove 300km to our next stop,Crocodile Camp in Maun, we stopped at the local Spar and guest had a chance to by a few things, like rooibos tea.When we arrived at camp, we had lunch and free time, time to recharge the batteries for the safari camping experience ahead of them, in the Okavango Delta.
Our busses turned around and started the journey back to Johannesburg, we carried on with safari open vehicles into the bush, to sleep in tents in the Okavango Delta, no fences around camps.

On our 11 hour drive in the park the first day we saw many animals, a breeding herd of elephants walked pass our vehicles,we saw a leopard under a bush,buffels,zebras, giraffes,antilopes,lots of birds.Many pictures where taken. Our first 2 nights we stayed in Moremi.Our mornings always starts at 5am, and around 6am we leave the camp for a 5 hour drive looking for animals.Back again for lunch and then a little break before we start our drives in the bush again until 7pm, back to camp and dinner and sitting by the fire,this is a real bush experience.

After 2 nights in Moremi we moved to Savute area, part of Chobe Game reserve, we did a whole day game drive and on the way we saw hippos, and many elephants, even a breeding herd that stood next to the road and didnt like us coming. The female in charge came very close to have a look, shaked her head a few times, she was about two meters from the vehicle,checking us out very carefully, everyone sat still, one could almost hear the heartbeats and a minute felt like an hour:) It was quite an experience. All elephants came closer to have a look at us before continuing eating. When we started the car to move the female in charge shook her heads a few time and we moved slowly forward, no quick movements to upset her even more.That whole experience is going to be one of the highlights of the trip for many.
While in Savute we drove on Savute Marsh, an area of sand that fills with water in the rainy season, our road was at many places under water so half the car disappeard, I put some pictures in of this as proof:)

We saw a couple of lions with cubs lying under a tree with a half eaten zebra next to them. They didnt move for the whole day. In the afternoon /evening we watched elephants drinking and playing at waterholes and we stopped for a sundowner close by, a breeding herd of maybe 20 elephants came to drink, and as we stood there watching the breeding herd and sunset a male elephant came towards us on his way to the waterhole.As we had to stay out of his way we had to slowly move around our vehicle to the otherside as the bull elephant past us,and then two other bulls followed his footsteps, and we stayed behind the car. This was a very exciting moment. And as the elephants had past everyone relaxed again and talked about the experience.