Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday and weekend

Hi my friends,

I have had a relaxed week, just been planning some smaller tours for people, but otherwise the days have gone by one by one , to the gym, making food for the girls and back to the normal routines I have done before being on the roads most of the time. I just counted that I have close to 20 000km behind me, if not more! during these months here...quite a few drives up and down Finland:)And of the 5 months here I have been on the the road 60 days, that is 2 full months.
For next year I have 4 tours to do, so it will be a bit less...but then again, I do not know what still might come. Next year we are traveling to Botswana and Victoria falls too, looking forward to that.
Heli & Kalle visited us yesterday, it so nice to see them while here ,and Kalle and Liina play so nice together:) Yesterday they played family, a doll was their child, funny how they pick up things from normal life. And then they also speak english together, Liina speaks very well english now, it is actually amazing how efforthless she has learnt it. And Viivi is speaking more words every day, last night she did not want to sleep, just tell me words and I had to repeat them and everytime I said right and knew what she ment, her face light up like a sunshine:)
We have slowly started to pack things for our journey back to Finland, a lot of things we leave behind as we will be back again soon.
It rained yesterday, not a nice day, but perfect day to do nothing, read a book and be comfortable, just what I did, I started a book last night and finished it this morning:) Time to go to the bookstore and buy a few more, as I havent had time to read for a long long time, so now I really enjoy it.
Our plan is to go to the movies this weekend, lets see if we get a gap for that and a babysitter to look after our princesses. Liina is so sweet, everytime she is doing something she should not, and we get angry, she says when crying: " Liina wants to be a princess" ,and then she thinks she has has learnt the meaning of the word, ' sorry' ' forlat' and when she has said that she thinks she can carry on again, and everything is fine, like when they where at oma& opa, she had found the scissors and had cut the curtains, Nicos mom walked in and asked what is going on, Liina has the scissors high in her hand and says ' sorry' and kinda dances away.....such an attitude!

Time to get Viivi ready for her afternoon nap.

All of you, have a great weekend:)



  1. hejsan!

    Nu är det bara lite över 2 veckor kvar så är ni hemma.Snö har vi säkert massor kvar då ännu så Liina å Viivi får öva sig på skidåkning efter en lång sommar.

    kramar till er alla

  2. Hallå där!
    Jo vintern fortsätter minsann! Men nu e det omkring noll, känns som sommar nästan. Snygga bilder från Namibien! Det är söndag och jag kom just från gymmet. Sportlovet har börjat och vi skall försöka va ute och vara lite sportiga:-))

    Kram Immo
